We wanted to give you a quick heads-up about some cool new features we’ve just added for you! π
ProveSource & Shapo Integration
Show your Shapo testimonials as ProveSource social proof notifications on your website! Just get your Shapo API key and add it to your ProveSource Reviews notification.
Rich-text in forms
We’ve just added rich text support to forms! Now, you can edit your form with basic text styles and line breaks, making it easy to list questions or steps π
RTL Support
Forms and widgets now support RTL (Right-to-Left) languages!
To enable RTL for your form, go to Form > Language. RTL support for widgets works seamlessly right out of the box!
Filter by rating
Want to show only 5-star reviews? You can now show testimonials and reviews based on rating in both widgets and wall of love.
Have a suggestion? need help? Our team is available through the live chat on our website.